Monday, April 27, 2009

Why One-Stop-Shopping Malls Don't Work.

Do you own a One-Stop-Shop Mall Website? How many organic search visitors are you getting to your site? Large corporations have the one-stop-shop all to themselves.

The Reason:
If a customer is looking for say video games in general. This customer is likely to go to or There they would find the general information and prices they are looking for. But if a customer already knows the game they would like to purchase like say World of Warcraft, they may us keywords such as "buy world of warcraft" or "discount world of warcraft". With specific keywords they could land on your page. With your page optimized for such keywords and your domain name anchored to these keywords. Example they would likely find your site. With keywords like "buy world of warcraft" this person has a credit card in hand ready to buy.

The point being, One-Stop-Shop sites are competing with very large well known corporations with more money than God to advertise with. Narrowing the product search down to the specific product is key in today's website optimization and Niche marketing. It is impossible to compete with Walmart, so don't even try, they will win.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Niche Marketing By Definition (From Wikipedia)

Online niche marketing

An often used technique for affiliate marketers. By seeking out smaller segments of larger markets, a website can be developed and promoted quickly to uniquely serve a targeted and usually loyal customer base, giving the affiliate a small but regular income stream. This technique is then repeated across several other niche websites until a desired income level is achieved.

Niche market

A niche market is the subset of the market on which a specific product is focusing on; Therefore the market niche defines the specific product features aimed at satisfy specific market needs, as well as the price range, production quality and the demographics that is intending to impact.
Every single product that is on sale can be defined by its niche market. As of special note, the products aimed at a wide demographics audience, with the resulting low price (due to Price elasticity of demand), are said to belong to the Mainstream niche, in practice referred only as Mainstream or of high demand. Narrowed demographics though lead to elevated price because of the same principles.
In practice, product vendors and trade businesses are commonly referred as mainstream providers or narrow demographics niche market providers (colloquially shortened to just niche market providers). Small capital providers usually opt for a niche market with narrow demographics as a measure of increasing their gain margins.
Nevertheless, the final product quality (low or high) is not dependant on the price elasticity of demand though, it is more associated with the specific needs that the product is aimed at satisfy and in some cases with brand recognition which the vendor wants to be associated with (i.e Prestige, Practicability, Money saving, Expensiveness, Planet environment conscience, Power, etc)


The term niche (pronounced nich, nēsh, or nish) was first used by ecologists to describe a species position and use of resources within its environment. When used in business the term implies a situation or an activity perfectly suited to a person or a given type of personality. This concept has been extended from persons to products on the market. Whereas a niche in the strict sense can be a working position or an area suited to a person who occupies it, the market niche is perfectly suited for a product of human labour.

Marketing in and for niche markets

Niche marketing is the process of finding and serving profitable market segments and designing custom-made products or services for them. For big companies those market segments are often too small in order to serve them profitably as these market segments often lack economies of scale. Niche marketers are often reliant on the loyalty business model to maintain a profitable volume of sales.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

One of the most important aspects of making money online is "learning" to make money online.

One of the most important aspects of making money online is learning to make money online. Everyone who takes on this venture must have a foundation on which to build on. This foundation takes the form of becoming educated on the subject of how to make money online. Once the foundation has been put in to place can one begin to make educated decisions. Then a plan of action can be put in place to meet the goal. The goal being to make money online.
To begin the educational process one must start with a course. This course must be an out line of “how to do” and “what to do” in a step-by-step format. With any venture a small investment is needed. So a purchase is necessary to obtain such materials.
To see more on this course - Click Here -

The next part after the education is the plan of action. This is ware all of the education and all of the time come together. Your product or what ever the case maybe will come to life. The business part of you venture can begin. All your energy will now begin to pay off.
What is this plan of action - Click Here -

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Learn to Earn from a Billion

Do you know there will be a Billion people online very soon? That's a billion potential people to market your product to. There is no other place in the world than the Internet were you can reach so many people. Someone, somewhere is looking for what you have to offer.

Now is the time to Learn to Earn from these billion people. I have spent so many hours learning the hard way. Running from place to place looking for the answer. The answer is in the education. Learn to Earn from books and step-by-step programs. This will save you the time and the money.

One billion people online, if you could make just one cent $0.01 from everyone, that would be $10,000,000.00
The income potential is incredible. Its time to Learn to Earn.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Niche Market - Be On Target -

What is Niche Marketing?

Niche Marketing is simply a specific product to a specific consumer. For example a consumer is searching for a vacuum. This person may be looking for the brand name Oreck. The Niche here is Oreck Vacuum. The search term my be Buy Oreck Vacuum. This is the keyword of a search. This consumer is very interested in buying the Oreck vacuum. Here is the sale, the keyword is the objective and this would make the sale.

Any one that has a Website set up to the keyword Buy Oreck vacuum with the domain name "" would be listed in the top 10 search. The odds of the consumer going to your page is great.

Learn to Earn is the most important part of any new marketer. Education is power,

"Destroy your competition with the power of knowledge."

Monday, April 13, 2009

Learn to Earn Online

Anyone can Learn to Earn Online it is really a very simple thing once you have a few things in place.

You will need a domain name.
Take your time here. You will want a name that is descriptive of your product.

You will need a Website.
You will need a host for your Website. Hostmonster offers great plans starting at only $4.95 per month and you may add as many domain names as you want for just $10.00 each. CLICK HERE TO SIGNUP FOR HOSTMONSTER.COM

You will need a plan of action. A plan that costs only $10.00 and includes a step-by-step plan. Also includes video tutorials that make this process very simple.

For more inforamtion on Ian del Carmens plan Click Here.