Monday, April 27, 2009

Why One-Stop-Shopping Malls Don't Work.

Do you own a One-Stop-Shop Mall Website? How many organic search visitors are you getting to your site? Large corporations have the one-stop-shop all to themselves.

The Reason:
If a customer is looking for say video games in general. This customer is likely to go to or There they would find the general information and prices they are looking for. But if a customer already knows the game they would like to purchase like say World of Warcraft, they may us keywords such as "buy world of warcraft" or "discount world of warcraft". With specific keywords they could land on your page. With your page optimized for such keywords and your domain name anchored to these keywords. Example they would likely find your site. With keywords like "buy world of warcraft" this person has a credit card in hand ready to buy.

The point being, One-Stop-Shop sites are competing with very large well known corporations with more money than God to advertise with. Narrowing the product search down to the specific product is key in today's website optimization and Niche marketing. It is impossible to compete with Walmart, so don't even try, they will win.

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